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14 October 2022





Frazer Solar welcomes the resignation of former Prime Minister Moeketsi Majoro, following the All Basotho Convention party’s comprehensive defeat in the recent general election.  


Dr Majoro was an unsuccessful leader of a government that achieved very little for the people of Lesotho. Unfortunately, his failure to implement the Frazer Solar project joins the long list of broken promises, missteps and mistakes associated with the Majoro administration.  


During his time as Finance Minister and Prime Minister, Dr Majoro attempted to evade all responsibility for failing to proceed with the signed agreement between the government and Frazer Solar.  


Instead, he tried pinning the blame on former colleagues and officials, while making a series of unfounded and false accusations concerning the company.  When he realised he could no longer escape scrutiny he pursued an obstruction and delay strategy to avoid dealing with the consequences of his actions whilst still in government.  This has resulted in unnecessary costs for the state.  


Ultimately, Dr Majoro’s tactics failed. The electorate decisively voted for a fresh start, and Frazer Solar’s legal proceedings against the Kingdom of Lesotho will continue unabated in multiple international jurisdictions.  


More importantly, Dr Majoro prevented the people of Lesotho from enjoying life-changing benefits that formed key elements of Frazer Solar’s project. These included around 350,000 free solar lanterns for every house without electricity in the country, the provision of up to one million free LED lights, up to 40,000 solar water heaters, and 20 megawatts of solar photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of every government building.  


We hope that the new government, led by Sam Matekane and his Revolution for Prosperity party, will be more successful than Dr Majoro’s failed administration in delivering on its promises and improving the lives of all Basotho. 




Notes to Editors

In January 2020, an independent arbitrator ruled in Frazer Solar’s favour concerning a series of contractual breaches committed by the Kingdom of Lesotho, related to a renewable energy project developed by the company. Lesotho was ordered to pay Frazer Solar €50 million in damages but failed to do so.


Consequently, in May 2021, Frazer Solar’s lawyers commenced a worldwide enforcement action against assets held by the Kingdom.

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